Ship Repair Malta
When it comes to ship repair Malta has a number of renowned ship repair facilities namely the below.
Palumbo Shipyard is a major yard whose drydocks can accommodate vessels up to 300,000 tons DWT.
The Facility offers:
- Drydocking and repairs
- Conversions
- Hull treatment
- Steelworks
…to all types of vessels such as tankers, bulk carriers, rigs, AHTS etc.
Other private facilities such as ‘Cassar Ship Repair‘, and ‘Bezzina Ship Repair‘ provide ship repair services both afloat and in floating docks, having a lifting capacity of between 5000 and 8500 tons. Furthermore vessels with an LOA of up to 140m can be accommodated.
For the luxury and mega yacht industry, slipping, drydocking and repair services are available at the Manoel Island Yacht Yard, Palumbo Malta Super Yachts and Melita Marine Group facilities. All yards employ highly skilled personnel and are also able to carry out certain works outside harbour.
Gollcher Shipping provides you with port agency services whilst your vessels are in Malta.
Gollcher Shipping forms part of the Gollcher Group and offers a whole range of maritime related services. For further information click on this link or click on the link below to contact us.